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10 پیغام بازدید کنندگان

  1. مشاهده مکالمات
    خرید سی پی

    خرید cp کالاف دیوتی موبایل ٬ خرید سی پی کالاف دیوتی موبایل ٬ خرید سی پی کالاف ٬ خرید اسکین کالاف دیوتی موبایل گیم کد شارژ فوری.

  2. مشاهده مکالمات
    شبکه رایانه ای شبکهٔ رایانه‌ای[۱] (به انگلیسی: Computer network) (کوتاه: شبکه) به اتصال دو یا چند سیستم (مانند کامپیوتر، لپ‌تاپ، و…) با توانایی رساندن و دریافت داده است
  3. What are the conditions to obtaining a PCO license? Some useful Tips


    Public carriage office (PCO) is a department of London Transportation Office which is responsivle for issuing the licence for mini cab drivers and chauffers. As a driver you should have some requirements which are covered in the rest of this article.

    What is PCO?

    For example, to buy a vehicle, the PCO price covers the entire cost of the purchase to reduce any extra expenses, such as the estimated lifetime costs of the automobile, such as operation, maintenance, and insurance. In general, PCO has helped people borrow, lease, and sell cars a lot. With the introduction of the PCO, the purchasing rules, selling, and renting vehicles became more universal. Total ownership expense is a measure intended to help people make more rational financial choices.
    If you wish to rent a vehicle or a car, the vehicle must be less than five years old. This means that fewer than five years have passed since that car was made. It's used in a lot of industries and it's more inefficient.
    What do I need to get a PCO Licence?

    If you want to be a PCO driver, you should get a PCO license and to get that license, you should have some of the conditions. In the following, we notice the conditions and if you wouldn’t have even one of the conditions, then you will get failed in the test.

    1.Meet the Age Requirements

    If you want to want to take this license, at least you should have 21 years' old
    2.You should have the driving licence

    At first, you should get your PHV to learn how to drive a car and control it. Then when you reach 21 years old, you would be able to apply for a PCO license and complete the test. If you can't get a PHV, you can get EEA or DVLA instead.
    3.You must have the work permit in london

    A fantastic trait of a PCO license is that you can work with it in the United Kingdom and make money from there.
    4.Register Online

    As you might know, TfL has implemented assessments to prove that you have a working understanding of the language. If you are not sure what all this entails, then any of our other blog posts may be worth trying out. You should find out what the TfL English Language Test is and do it very well.
    5.You’ll need to prove your English level or do an English Language Test.

    As you might know, TfL has implemented assessments to prove that you have a working understanding of the language. If you are not sure what all this entails, then any of our other blog posts may be worth trying out. You should find out what the TfL English Language Test is and do it very well.

    6.You’ll have to do a background check

    This license has considered the background of non-public hire drivers to ensure that "they are of excellent character”. This means that they want to see if you have any record of criminal activity in the past.
    7.You should do a Medical check-up

    It’s tons of tests and checks, but after this is often done it’ll hopefully all be worthwhile. it’s also show your health condition and provides the valuable health data for you.
    TfL has published a list of their recommendations on the website of the State. This is for the physician to fill in, so it's a good thing to know what they're usually looking for in these assessments. You're going to have to make a meeting with your specialist, who may be able to complete this report, to ensure that you're fit to drive.
    8.apply Fees

    If you apply for the PCO license, you should know that this license costs an arm and a leg. So prepare yourself for the thing that you should pay for.
    How much is the apply cost?

    The below table show the usual cost of an application. Its worth to note that some costs may vary from this table.
    DBS disclosure apply £52 (online)
    £54 (paper)
    Licence apply fee £124
    Grant of licence fee £186
    Post Office Check and Send £10.50
    English language assessment (if applicable) £180 - £200
    Topographical assessment (if applicable) £75
    Medical Medical Fee of examining by doctor
    Example total: £644 excluding cost of medical

    Training for the PCO licence

    There is no particular training course for the PCO License, but you will obtain assistance with two aspects: The English test and the topographical skills test. Any services will offer preparation and evaluation in each of these fields. If you don't be ready for the test, it's clear that you will fail.
    What car you need to become an Uber driver?

    As you're driving people around in your car, you're going to need to make sure that it's up to the requirements that Uber needs. Your car needs to be under the age of five and should have a decent seat between four and eight passengers.

    How much would an Uber Driver gain?

    On average, Uber drivers will make about 565 pounds every 35-45-hour week, which equals about 15 pounds per hour. This also includes tips that can be given to the passenger via the app.

  4. پرورش
    گوسفند زنده
    دارای سود و مزایای فراوانی می باشد. یکی از این موارد نگهداری دام های زنده با هزینه کم می باشد. تامین هزینه تغذیه آن ها بسیار کم است.
  5. مشاهده مکالمات
    سایت کمک آموزشی پی سی کنکور به صورت تخصصی در زمینه کنکور فعالیت می کند و تلاش دارد تا بتواند به عنوان بروزترین مرجع کنکور ایران تازه ترین مطالب را در اختیار علاقه مندان قرار دهد.
نمایش پیغامهای بازدید کننده 1 از 10 تا 10
درباره vidakashi

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درباره vidakashi
اسم واقعی شما:
تیم ملی محبوب:
تیم محبوب باشگاهی 1:
تیم محبوب باشگاهی 2:
الگوی فنی:
Ali Karimi



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